Level 2 Pathways (L2PAT)
What will I learn?
You will develop a range of useful skills, rewards and attitudes to support the transition to further study or work. These may include:
Planning skills
Positive study and work habits
Employability skills
Positive attitudes and manners
Self management
Willingness to learn
Problem solving and decision making
Subject knowledge in chosen areas of study
Level 2 Vocational Pathway Award
NCEA credits
How will I learn?
You will learn through individual and group situations, both in and out of the classroom.
This course further recognises that every student is different.
During Term One an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is established by liaising with you, your parents and key MAC staff.
What should I have done already?
Participation in this course is decided through discussions with you, your parents and MAC staff. This course will be negotiated to cover possible option choices at both Year 12 and Year 13.
Where does this programme lead?
This course prepares you for a transition to further study or work.
How is the course assessed?
On-going through review of fortnightly (effort) grades across all subjects and Whanau
Internal NCEA assessments which gain credits
End of course qualification
Credits towards NCEA Level 1, 2 or 3
Skills for your CV
Level 2 Vocational Pathway Award For more information on whether Pathways is the right course for you please speak with your dean and contact Mr Smalley by email to arrange a meeting at: smalleyp@mtaspiring.school.nz