NCEA assessment

Appeals, extensions or missed assessments

For appeals, extensions or missed assessments please make a copy of this Application for an assessment decision form.


In any internal or externally assessed standard, students should not:

Students should:

Students should not:

Use of AI in assessments

The use of AI technology has become widespread over recent years. The most widely used are Large Language Model (LLM) platforms such as ChatGPT but there are many others which generate images, music scores etc as well as standard text. 


Assessments all have different conditions attached to them. The teacher will make these clear to students at the start of an assessment, usually in writing. Breaches of assessment conditions can include inappropriate use of technology, sharing work with other students, communication with other students during an assessment, and plagiarism. 

The following process will take place in either instance:


Teachers will make completion dates for assessments clear (in writing). Students will be given adequate time to complete an assessment (often this is stipulated by NZQA). It is a students’ responsibility to ensure they submit work by the deadline. Students need a valid reason for asking for an extension.

An extension can only be approved if:


Students are expected to be present in school for assessments and hand them in on time. If a student knows they are going to be absent for an assessment they must communicate with their teacher (see “extensions” above). 

If a student is absent for a valid reason e.g. illness, for an assessment deadline, they should ensure that an electronic copy is submitted digitally, or a paper copy is handed into the school reception (with the relevant teacher’s name on it).

If a student is unable to complete an exam or single day (live) assessment due to illness, they should:

All assessments are different. It may be possible for a student to take the same assessment at a later date, or the teacher may be able to set a different assessment of similar difficulty instead of the original assessment. If a reassessment is not practicable the teacher may be able to award a grade based on a previous similar piece of work (derived grade). If the absence cannot be justifiably explained the student will receive a Not Achieved grade. 

Digital assessment: computer problems

It is a student’s responsibility to ensure they bring a working laptop and charger to school. For technical difficulties during an assessment the school may be able to provide a replacement device (chromebook). 

For long term assessments and portfolios, students should ensure they regularly save documents, and have backup storage (preferably remote). Teachers might suggest that students regularly email work to themselves as a backup and also to prove authenticity. 

Network failure during an assessment within school is not the students’ responsibility.


Students have the right to appeal an assessment grade or assessment conditions (if they are considered to be different to those of other students). If a student wishes to make an appeal they should:


A teacher may offer a student a resubmission opportunity if:

Further assessment opportunities (reassessments) for internals

One further assessment opportunity may be offered some standards. If a second opportunity is available:

If students do not sit the first assessment and have no valid excuse, they will not be allowed to sit the second opportunity (and should receive a Not Achieved grade). The valid excuse will be determined by the school’s missed assessment policy (as stated above). If a second opportunity is offered and a student didn’t take part in the first assessment, but did have a valid excuse, they can take part in the second opportunity.

NCEA assessment policy

Our school assessment policy has been developed in line with NZQA requirements, incorporating the nationally agreed guidelines published by NZQA.

Please read the Student Regulations NZQF handbook