Entertainment and Event Technologies (EET)


This course has been operating since 2022 and was initiated to allow students who are interested in all areas of film and performing arts technologies to develop practical skills and work backstage on film and performance projects in the Drama and Music performing Arts Programmes. It is open to anyone in Year 11 to 13. It will include Level 1-3 Unit Standards from the Event and Entertainment Technology Domain. All standards can be achieved at A, M or E level and therefore compliment achievement standard courses. Depending on individual students other appropriate standards from other domains might be drawn on.

What will I learn?

You will learn a broad understanding of how the design process works behind the scenes for any film, event or performance and dip into all areas. This includes:

Your course will be designed by you but will need to cover a minimum of three technical areas to make up enough credits. However, those wishing to cover only 2 areas we can combine your work with media standards for film projects and technology standards from the technology domain to allow you to really focus on the skills of making that you are doing in props/set and costume and makeup. Students can discuss this at the start of the year with their teacher when they are making their individual choices. You may be assessed in a range of level 1-3 standards if you wish. The assessment programme will wrap around the drama and performing arts curricular and co-curricular projects and act to acknowledge this naturally occurring work as the basis for evidence gathering and assessment. This may may also include students working on the live stage, wearable art or a film project for the national Showquest.  In 2020 a senior group of students won the national title for their film Nga Mae Iti. Education outside the classroom will be potentially a big part of this course as students can pitch to work on projects in the community to support their learning. This will be looked at on a case by case basis.

What should I have done already?

Experience in a Drama or Music course will be helpful but this course is open to anyone who enjoys the challenge of practical work and is willing to learn about this very exciting area.  Proven skills in sewing, building or makeup will also be an advantage. You should have an interest in design elements and associated processes involved with designing and creating finished elements. Those who enjoy and want to pursue fashion and design and/or makeup artistry can also get a lot out of this course.

As this course is predominantly self-directed, with students choosing their own challenges, an ability to work independently and exercise initiative is an important prerequisite. If students have limited experience in this area of learning, they MUST come and discuss it with the HOLA Emily McRae to ensure it will be appropriate for them. 

Assessment outline

You choose from the entertainment technology standards found here: 2022 Standards . Alternative standards from different areas can be negotiated with your teacher. All knowledge will be shown through curated portfolio's worked on throughout the year.  

Assessment regulations

You can gain the following grades in the Unit Standards:

Total credits available: 16 -18 Compulsory

All reassessments are composed of an entirely different assessment task.

Late work

Work submitted late for the internal assessment Standards will not be marked. You may have the opportunity to gain the credits through reassessment, if available.

If you have a genuine reason why you are unable to submit work by the due date, then you are able to apply for an extension. However, this should occur prior to the due date, not after it.  Absence from school due to sickness is not normally regarded as an acceptable reason for the non-submission of assessed work. Alternative arrangements, electronic or otherwise should be made in this event.

Where does this course lead?

Knowledge gained here can lead to direct industry work, tertiary study in any of the specific domains including practical acting and performance courses such as Toi Whakaari Stage and Screen degree.  It can also support students looking to work in the fashion and makeup industries.

Indicative costs

Costs are to be confirmed but contributions to the cost of materials may need to be charged depending on each individual product.