Level 2 Drama and Performing Arts (L2DRA)


Level Two Drama and Performing Arts at Mount Aspiring College is a course designed to extend skills gained in Level One. It will develop students’ skills and abilities in the communication of ideas through drama and artistic performance, to develop their understanding of the broader context of Drama, and to stimulate collaboration with others through the use of dramatic techniques and conventions.

Students of Drama and Performing Arts leave school ready to offer the workforce competent and effective skills in all forms of communication. They are problem solvers and able to find solutions thinking on their feet. They are adaptable and not afraid to risk and fail as it is in the very failures they have experienced in the process of their learning, that new and exciting ideas have generated.  They are able to work effectively in group and collaborative contexts understanding how to maximise their own skills alongside the skills of others making all work stronger. They are able to read people and situations with insight and adapt their responses according to the needs of what is immediately at hand. They are also able to be accountable as individuals understanding through experience the effort and discipline required to achieve work that has an impact in the world. 

What will I learn?

Special note

The Department works under the umbrella of BOX THEATRE COMPANY. This allows a greater depth and wider context of learning, maximising all performance opportunities both within the school and the wider community. It also provides opportunities for students to gain further knowledge and leadership in the many and varied roles of professional theatre both on and off the stage. Student's ability to include the Performing Arts Technology standards into their personal learning programme will greatly increase in this structure. Further information on the Performing Arts Technology standards can be found on the NZQA website. 

What should I have done already?

It is advisable that you have studied Level 1 Drama. If you have not previously studied Drama it is still possible to take the Level 2 Course and are encouraged to have a chat to the HOD of Drama.  

Assessment outline

This course is a likely course outline and students will be assessed using a range of NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards. There are 18 compulsory Credits available in the course. 14 of these will be assessed internally through live performances and classroom workshops.  Four will be assessed in an external examination at the end of the year. Some standards may alter depending on the needs of the class.  


Two other achievement standards may be offered for students who are deemed suitable ( 2.8) script a drama suitable for performance (W) (2.9) Direct a drama performance. (R) Students who wish to submit work for a different standard will need to indicate a commitment by the beginning of term 2. Both standards contribute to literacy credits.

Performing Arts Technologies: Unit Standards at A,M, E Level

These can complement or replace some performance drama standards if deemed appropriate for an individual student on a case by case basis. These can be found here 

If appropriate dance standards may be selected by students. You will need to talk to the HOD of Drama Emily McRae. 

Assessment regulations

The Achievement Standards offered in this course may not be resubmitted, however, a reassessment opportunity may be offered to students who do not achieve the standard on the first attempt. This opportunity will only be offered to students who have shown a reasonable initial effort and who can demonstrate that further learning has occurred since the initial assessment opportunity.

All reassessments are composed of an entirely different assessment task.

Late work

Unless otherwise stated all assessed written material must be handed in the day before the practical performance assessment at the latest. Work submitted late for the internal assessment Standards will not be marked. You may have the opportunity to gain the credits through reassessment, if available.

If you have a genuine reason why you are unable to submit work by the due date, then you are able to apply for an extension. However, this should occur prior to the due date, not after it.  Absence from school due to sickness is not normally regarded as an acceptable reason for the non-submission of assessed work. Alternative arrangements, electronic or otherwise should be made in this event.

What written work is required in Drama?

There is a compulsory written statement of intention, annotated scripts and other relevant information that is required to be handed in with each achievement standard. Other recorded information is not officially graded. In order to record learning and progress students will need to set up a note google doc where they will record thoughts, learning and relevant theoretical information updating it at least once a week. Separate google docs or participation in google classroom will be required for compulsory written work that is assessed. IF preferred handwritten notes and documents can still be used for assessment. Access to templates and internal assessment documents will be given via a class google classroom page set up at the beginning of the year. You will need to join this to submit work electronically. NB Any student who wishes to record video or audio of the required support material can do so instead of writing it.

Where does this course lead?

Completing the level two course in drama enables you to progress to Level 3 Drama.

Indicative costs

Read more about indicative course costs.